Jul 9, 2013

For that which wasn't lost, and never earned.

I lived in an ocean, dormant & grey,
Full of unmindful mist and nay.

I slept on thorns, blunt as buns,
And woke up to a fallacy of gilded puns.

I mocked the banal for what they were,
Ever to deride, never to concur.

Yet it was that I always yearned,
For that which wasn't lost, and never earned.

I walked on the path of solitude,
Until I met a peahen, elaborately hued.

She told me of a place where I could,
Fly without wings, if I would.

Flummoxed by the vista, into oblivion I stared,
Change maybe good, but change I had not dared.

Unwittingly so, I opened the door,
Oh it was paradise, I wanted more.

But as with things of the world all,
The forest of green too had it's black wall.

Through the opaque wall, I could see,
That to find my soul, I must lose me.

Thusly I endured the committed way,
Lost in the tempest of own my mind’s say.

So I summoned the bird with the radiant tail,
But she alluded forever, always behind a veil.

Then I sat by a pond, silver and green leaved,
I saw myself in it, both happy and grieved.

Feeling queer, I asked myself if I was wrong,
Making a show of someone else’s song?

No came the answer, like a sword to the flesh,
The direction is right, I must hold the thresh.

As night fell upon the verdant trees,
I thought of my mind and it’s violent seas.

I'm at the crossroads when I should have been ahead,
It is so easy, still so difficult done than said.

Think not much, forget it now, sleep in the gloomy sky,
My quest is hard by my own doing, but I shall fly.